Oh! I do love to plot and scheme, but most especially when it is for a mural.
My co-designer Katherine Roy and I put together sketches from this eight panel series. These images are the preparatory sketches that I drew so they could be projected onto panels, then painted.


Sketch by Laura Terry

This is for the month of February, when the weather outside is brutal, but indoors there is hot coco and romance.  If you’ll notice the foreground couple (of lesbians) are exchanging passionate glances. The midground couple holds hands, and the background couple smooches.

Sketch by Laura Terry
Sketch by Laura Terry
This sketch is a tribute to my Texan upbringing. I drew thinking of Friday night, the stadium lights burning down, stale nachos, cheerleaders, and the tension of the crowd, stomping on metal bleachers, willing the home team to win.

sketch by Laura Terry

sketch by Laura Terry

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