I am a little bit, no . . . a lot in love with the design process. Give me a few weeks, some strange rambling conversations about who you are, what you do, and I come back with an arm load of drawings and a head-full of ideas. There’s almost nothing that I love as much as diving into a design project and figuring out how to capture a tone, tenor, and get across information about a brand. My sweet spot (pun intended) is for projects like this, where I was hired to come up for a logo for a chef setting up a parenting/baking blog.

by Laura Terry

Starting out, I made page after page of rough sketches, wanting to let my mind wander and experiment. At this stage, I’m looking for my design theme. Patricia and I came up with the notion of “traditional with a twist,” without knowing exactly what that meant.

by Laura Terry

After showing Patricia a selection of my sketches, she decided on the idea of the cameo. Now, my task was to take that traditional image and make it modern (and keep the bun!)

by Laura Terry

I was circling in on a logo design, but the images I came up with were disjointed, and I had to go about finding a way to integrate them into a whole. So, after another round of sketches it was back to the drawing board.

by Laura Terry

But finally, all the pieces came into place and the logo is complete. Baker and Bun has its logo, and I had my design-nerd fun.

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