The last few years I’ve gotten really into binding my own sketchbooks. I never thought I’d really get into it, but there’s something about making it yourself, and really I suppose I don’t own anything more intimate because in one way or another it all (neuroses, endless drawings of skeletons, and all those tiny naked fat people I draw everywhere) ends up here. It’s a net to catch the good ideas, and also the hair left in the drain. And I want to make them all feel special.

by Laura Terry

Here’s my latest masterpiece. I like to call it the vegan post-goth wet dream. (Notice the fake leather and Italian lions!)

by Laura Terry

Anyway, it’s a nice home for a the graveyard drawings I’m doing lately. And, I think one of my neatest jobs yet!


by Laura Terry
by Laura Terry

I like to take a few hours off from my usual schedule to do some figure drawing from live (nude!) models. It never gets old.

by Laura Terry

People have always been my favorite thing to draw. In my sketchbook, doodles on my planner, endless variations. I especially like to think about how the muscle wraps around bone and how the contracting and expanding controls movement. It’s like looking through the skin and seeing the machinery underneath.

by Laura Terry